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Monday, August 1, 2016
Psalm 19:7 The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple…

The testimony of the Lord, anything that the LORD has said through His Word, is sure.  That is it is reliable.  It is trustworthy.  You can count on everything that He has said about Himself through the stories, poems, Psalms, narrative, gospels, letters of the Bible!  It makes wise the simple.  This scripture gives us the confidence that if we ever lack wisdom in any certain situation, crossroads, or fork in the road, we can go to the Testimony of the LORD, the Bible, and receive the wisdom that we need.  The testimony of the LORD will make us wise.  This wisdom is not a accumulation of knowledge that impresses people and creates a sense of pride.  Instead Wisdom gives us the skill and understanding in all manner of living and decision making.  With wisdom we know what to do in our weaknesses, trials, hardships, and at the fork in the road of life.  Wisdom activates us to not only make decisions that glorify God as we follow His will but we are moved to use that wisdom to help others.  Wisdom is not just for us but it is to be shared freely and humbly just as the LORD has shared it with us.  Let us read the testimonies of the LORD and seek His sure and absolute wisdom today and confidently live life making decisions in the wisdom that He alone gives. Run to His Word. Read it. Listen to it. Memorize it. Sing it.

Father, move us as your people to delight in your Word, Your testimonies.  When we come to your Word speak clearly to us, imparting the sure divine wisdom that you hold concerning every area of our life.  As we see and experience Your wisdom please let us humbly submit to all of it as you convict us of our simple sinful ways.  Let us look to the life of Jesus Christ as the perfect example of Your wisdom lived out in the flesh.  Give us Your wisdom LORD.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

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