12 Difficult Things We Must Do Today

In the last eight verses of Romans 12, we find twelve of the most difficult actions we are commanded to do in this life. Here is my version of the list:

1- Speak well of and act kindly towards those who oppress and harass you (12:14)
2- Rejoice with rejoicers – weep with weepers (12:15)
3- Get along with each other (12:16)
4- Do not be self-important (12:16)
5- Share life with the downhearted and downcast (12:16)
6- Don’t think of yourself as smarter than others (12:16)
7- Don’t seek revenge personally (12:17)
8- Think about ways you can do good to those who do evil to you (12:17)
9- Seek to live at peace with everybody if possible (12:18)
10- Never take revenge for yourself but leave it to the wrath of God (12:19)
11- Work to make your enemy your friend (12:20)
12- Fight evil by doing good to evil (12:21)

As you read this list you will most likely come to think, “Who lives like this?” Well, this how we as Christians are called to be living. These interpersonal responses from us is to be the testimony of the world’s experience with us even when they are doing evil against us. God wants the world to see that this is who He is and how He responds to us over and over again. He communicates these truths to the world through our responses to them.
How can you respond to your family, friends, neighbors and enemies like this today? The only way to fulfill this type of living is to understand that this is how God has interacted with you as you lived with your back turned on Him, living rebelliously and thinking rebelliously, giving Him trouble every chance you had. Re-read the list as a list of how God acts towards you and let His example ignite a passion in you to do the same.

Which one of the above do you need to focus on the most today with what person?

See you Sunday, rejoicing with rejoicers: Steve

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