Like A Tree...

Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Psalm 1:2-3 ...his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

As one who delights in God's Word and meditates on it day and night great things are promised by God.  You will be like a tree... isn't that encouraging.  Actually, let's take a moment to think about this simile.  This tree that we are compared to has been planted next to streams of water.  These streams of water are the streams of Living Water, Jesus Christ (John 4:14).  God takes us and plants us next to Jesus for nourishment.  We are taken by our loving and caring God who is a perfect arborist and planted in the perfect location, next to Christ, where He can take care of us, prune us, watch over us and nourish us.  This nourishment today is accomplished by the meditating and delighting in His written Word.  Because the streams of Living Water is Christ they never stop flowing and so our leaf never withers.  The Lord gives us never ending nourishment through streams of living water which is His Living Word, Jesus Christ (John 4:14).

As we delight and meditate upon Jesus, the Living Word, through the written Word day and night we flourish.  Our roots grow deep and our branches and limbs grow tall producing fruit.  The Word of God gives us nourishment as we read and delight in it.  Yes, there will be storms that come that bend our branches and knock down some limbs but Christ flowing through us will keep us planted and will produce fruit in its season.  

Father lead us into a desire to continually delight in Your Word.  Let us experience Your promise of being nourished by Christ and His streams of living water daily as we meditate and delight on these streams flowing from Your Word.  Grow the roots of our faith deep.  As we may experience the withering of our leaves let us return to Your LIving Word for divine life giving nourishment.  Produce great fruit from our branches as we abide in You and Your streams of Living Water.  Let us understand Your blessing of approval and happiness as we live delighting in You.  Thank you for making all of this possible through Your Son Jesus Christ who is Your incarnate Living Word. In Jesus name, Amen.

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